Wednesday, May 17, 2006 |
How To Setup and Use uTorrent |
First download and install uTorrent.
Start the program and click preferences.
Click the network tab, now if you use a modem rather than a router put a tick in all the 3 boxes in the upper section and click apply.
If you use a router then untick the randomise port option, as you will need to configure your router to allow incoming and outgoing connections on this port.
In the lower boxes enter approximately 80% of your maximum upload rate and in the maximum download enter your connection speed.
For protocol encryption set enabled and tick allow incoming legacy connections.
Now on your hard drive make a new folder and call it Torrents,(this is where you will save your torrent meta files) NOT your downloads, this keeps them safe in one place if you need to reload or reseed at a future time.
Next make another folder and call it Downloads, within this I create separate folders for movies, music, apps etc, what you do is your choice.
In uTorrent preferences click the folders tab, tick the bottom box,, store .torrent files in , then browse your way to the torrents folder you created on your harddrive, click apply.
Leave the rest as they are then each time you load a new torrent it will ask you where to save it, this allows you to save in the downloads directory you created or any sub directories.
That’s all you need to do, just as simple as. |
posted by Lawrence Yash Lee @ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 |