South Korea’s Samsung Electronics said on Monday it had developed the world’s slimmest mobile phone. The SGH-X820 model is 6.9 millimeters thick and carries a built-in two-megapixel camera while functioning as an MP3 player as well, Samsung Electronics said. The bar-type model will be showcased at an information and technology communications fair this week in Russia, called Sviaz Expocomm 2006, it said.
“The Samsung ‘ultra-slim phone’ has set a record in the mobile handset history by breaking the wall of 7-millimeter thickness for the first time in the world,” the company said. The handsets are scheduled to hit the shelves in Europe this month and in China in June, but pricing details have not been disclosed. Samsung has been slimming down its handsets after its US rival Motorola’s success in marketing its Razr models. Damn, time to upgrade my Motorola MPx220 is coming…
Source: Korea Times |